The intent of Practical Neuroophthalmology is to present the basic principles of clinical neuroophthalmology in a readable, user-friendly format. Rather than present a list of facts, the authors ask “why” at every opportunity to demonstrate that the myriad of complex neuro-ophthalmic signs and symptoms are often a logical consequence of anatomy and pathophysiology. The textbook is not meant to be a reference only, but invites the reader to sit down and read through a chapter or two.
Practical Neuroophthalmology is the rebirth of Neuro-ophthalmology: The Requisites in Ophthalmology (Martin TJ, Corbett J: Mosby, 2000), which was written in a logical, cause-and-effect manner with neuro-anatomical correlation whenever possible, and was a favorite particularly of residents in ophthalmology, neurology, and neurosurgery. The authors are pleased to present this new, up-to-date work, keeping the popular presentation style of the first textbook.
Significant features of Practical Neuroophthalmology include the following:
Comprehensive coverage of the subject matter for clinical use or review. The text is designed to encompass material likely to be needed for board examinations, but is clinically oriented to be useful for the practitioner.
Neuro-anatomic approach, with anatomy discussed in the context of disease states. With this approach, the consequences of disease can be more readily understood, rather than simply memorized.
Discussion of neuroophthalmology from the perspective of an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. The text addresses the unique abilities (and limitations) that each specialty has in the evaluation and management of patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders.
Summary of the neuro-ophthalmic history and examination in Section I. This allows a comprehensive overview of the history and examination initially (Chapter 1), further explored in detail in the sections devoted to afferent disorders (Chapter 2) and efferent disorders (Chapter 7).
A chapter devoted to interpreting visual fields. Chapter 3 provides a basic understanding of visual field interpretation, which is reinforced when specific diseases are discussed in Chapters 4–6.
A chapter aimed at the problem of unexplained visual loss. Chapter 6 discusses and illustrates elusive and commonly misdiagnosed disorders.
Figures and clinical photographs in full color, with many original illustrations. For example, the supranuclear pathways are illustrated from the examiner's perspective (Figures 10–3, 10–6, and 10–8).
Original clinical case profiles. Optic disc photographs, visual fields, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans, clinical course, and other data from an illustrative case are presented together in a single figure to give the reader a visual summary of the disease (Figures 4–10 and 4–15).
Photographic surveys of disease manifestations. Clinical photographs from different patients with the same disease are presented together in a single figure to show the spectrum of disease presentation (Figures 14–6 and 14–10).
Composite figures (tables within illustrations). Complex information is visualized as well as described. Examples include sixth cranial nerve syndromes (Figure 9–11) and causes of intracranial hypertension (Figure 4–17).
Many tables and boxes devoted to differential diagnosis. Important clinical decision-making information discussed in the text is synthesized and reinforced in outline form.
Text boxes that provide additional insight without disturbing the flow of the main text. A number of text boxes are devoted to clarifying otherwise confusing information, such as a glossary of perimetric terms (Box 3–1) and discussion of Wilbrand knee (Box 3–2).
Key points summarized at the end of each chapter. A concise list of the most salient points from each chapter is provided so the reader can review the teaching goals of the chapter.
Suggested reading at the end of each chapter. Books, chapters, and journal articles that provide further detail are listed in each chapter. Classic works as well as major current references are provided. The listing is not meant to be exhaustive, but to provide a short list of important or resourceful references.
A number of excellent neuroophthalmology textbooks are currently available. The books listed below are sources that the authors have found particularly useful, each filling a unique role as a resource for neuroophthalmology.
Walsh and Hoyts' Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, Vols 1–3, 6th ed (Miller NR, Newman NJ, Biousse V, Kerrison JB, eds: Philadelphia, Pa; London: Lippincott Willliams & Wilkins; 2005). This three-volume set is the exhaustive, authoritative “bible” of neuroophthalmology.
Neuro-ophthalmology: Diagnosis and Management, 2d ed (Liu GT, Volpe NJ, Galetta SL: Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2010). An in-depth, single-volume text, well written and beautifully illustrated.
The Neurology of Eye Movements, 4th ed (Leigh RJ, Zee DS: New York, NY; 2006). The encyclopedic final authority on ocular motility disorders.
Neuro-ophthalmology Review Manual, 7th ed (Kline LB: Thorofare, NJ; SLACK; 2013). A well-organized classic review text, written in outline form, that condenses neuro-ophthalmic pearls into a reader-friendly paperback.
We hope that the reader will find that Practical Neuroophthalmology has a unique place among the many excellent textbooks of neuroophthalmology: a direct approach that is clinically oriented and covers the breadth of this fascinating field of study, and one that seeks to not only to inform, but to explain.
Timothy J. Martin, MD
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
James J. Corbett, MD
Jackson, Mississippi
February 2013