I take this opportunity to recognize the help I received in the preparation of the fifth edition of Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas. I am grateful to the following friends and colleagues who have read portions of the manuscript or have provided radiological or histological materials for this or previous editions: Dimitris Agamanolis, David Amaral, Richard Axel, Bertil Blok, Eric Bushong, Bud Craig, Mike Crutcher, Maurice Curtis, Adrian Danek, Aniruddha Das, Sam David, Mony deLeon, John Dowling, Mark Ellisman, Susan Folstein, Blair Ford, Peter Fox, Stephen Frey, Eitan Friedman, Guido Gainotti, Lice Ghilardi, Mickey Goldberg, James Goldman, Pat Goldman-Rakic, Suzanne Haber, Shaheen Hamdy, Andrei Holodny, Jonathan Horton, David Hubel, Matilde Inglese, Sharon Juliano, Joe LeDoux, Kevin Leung, Marge Livingstone, Camillo Marra, Randy Marshall, Etienne Olivier, Elizabeth Pimentel, Jesús Pujol, Josef Rauschecker, David Ruggiero, Neal Rutledge, Thomas Schultz, Brian Somerville, Bob Vassar, Bob Waters, Torsten Wiesel, Rachel Wong, and Semir Zeki. I also would like to thank Alice Ko for help with the three-dimensional reconstructions that provided the basis for various illustrations. I am grateful to Dr. Frank Galliard, who created the Radiopaedia.com website, for selection of many fine MRIs illustrating neurological damage. I would especially like to thank Dr. Joy Hirsch, Steve Dashnaw, and Glenn Castilo for many of the high-resolution MRIs first used in the fourth edition. Many thanks also to my colleagues at the City College of New York, Liz Pimentel, Dr. Jay Edelman, and Gary Temple, for pointing out errors and offering countless helpful suggestions.
I would like to extend a special note of thanks to members of the neuroanatomy teaching faculty at the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the City University of New York Medical School for many helpful discussions. For new and revised illustrations, I thank the Dragonfly Media Group, and especially Rob Fedirko for bringing to fruition the many facets of the complex art program. For artwork carried over from previous editions, I thank Michael Leonard, the original illustrator and Dragonfly Media Group. I especially thank Howard Radzyner for the superb photographs of myelin-stained brain sections that have helped to define Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas from its first edition. At McGraw Hill, I greatly appreciate the hard work and patience of Peter Boyle, project development editor, and Catherine Saggese, senior production supervisor. I also thank Garima Poddar at Cenveo Publisher Services. Finally, I would like to thank my editor Michael Weitz for his support, patience, and guidance—not to mention timely pressure—in the preparation of the fifth edition.