Neuropsychological evaluation makes use of a set of clinical procedures that consists of standardized, evidence-based methods of assessment aimed at determining the integrity of brain-behavior relationships. It involves the individual administration of behavioral tests by a clinical neuropsychologist or by a trained technician (psychometrist) working with the neuropsychologist, with the goal of documenting the relationship between brain and behavior. It is useful in measuring many categories of cognitive functioning, including the following:
Intellectual functioning
Academic achievement
Language processing
Visuospatial processing
Verbal learning and memory
Visual learning and memory
Executive functions
Speed of processing
Sensory-perceptual functions
Motor speed and strength
Motivation/symptom validity
Behavioral and emotional functioning
Examples of commonly used tests for each domain are listed in Table 3–1.
Neuropsychological evaluation can assist the child neurologist by providing quantifiable data to guide the evaluation of the cognitive effects of various medical disorders and associated treatments and interventions (eg, see Bosenbark et al1). It can aid in the assessment of central nervous system lesions before and after surgical interventions. In the epilepsy surgery setting, it is an integral part of the presurgical evaluation and postsurgical follow-up.2,3 Neuropsychological data can ...