TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Overview of Synaptic Transmission PY - 2014 T2 - Principles of Neural Science, Fifth Edition AB - Synapses Are Either Electrical or ChemicalElectrical Synapses Provide Instantaneous Signal TransmissionCells at an Electrical Synapse Are Connected by Gap-unction ChannelsElectrical Transmission Allows the Rapid and Synchronous Firing of Interconnected CellsGap Junctions Have a Role in Glial Function and DiseaseChemical Synapses Can Amplify SignalsNeurotransmitters Bind to Postsynaptic ReceptorsPostsynaptic Receptors Gate Ion Channels Either Directly or Indirectly SN - PB - McGraw-Hill Education CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/13 UR - neurology.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1101677846 ER -